Reusable Cups Provide The Best Alternative To Single Use Plastic At Events

Reusable Cups Provide The Best Alternative To Single Use Plastic

Today’s blog here at Event Cup Solutions looks at the problem of single use plastic and the affect it is having on the world we live in, and how reusable cups can help address the issue at large scale events and festivals, for example.


The problem with single plastic disposable plastic


There’s little doubt that single use plastic bottles and containers have evolved from being the saviour of the convenience world a couple of decades ago through to being the scourge of society today. The effect that disposable plastic water bottles and other containers have on land and sea is beyond doubt and so there’s no better time to address the problem as a society at large. The UK alone disposes of over 1 billion plastic cups each year which is, quite simply, unsustainable.

The use of refillable water bottles and water stations being positioned in convenient spots around cities, in cafe and at petrol stations is a great start, but it’s more so the mindset of our populations which will drive this change. Before heading out for the day, grab a refillable bottle or reusable coffee cup and use it!


Reusable cups are our passion!


Complete change, however, is a huge ask, and a slow process. And we simply don’t have the time to dwell on things. That’s why our range of reusable cups for festivals and large events is such a passionate subject for us here at Event Cup Solutions.

Festival and large scale event planners always face the conundrum of how to serve large volumes of people with food and drink in a safe way and at an affordable price. The default position of many has been to use disposable cups and food packaging as it is convenient and cheap. However, with many festival goers insisting on change for the better, this is moving towards being unacceptable. And, with the incoming plastics tax before 2022, disposable plastic cups will no longer be the cheap option.


The complete closed loop cycle of polycarbonate reusable cups


Our reusable cups, therefore, provide an excellent alternative to single use plastic cups. Made in polycarbonate with a life cycle of over 500+ washes, at the end of their life they are also 100% recyclable, enabling us to close the loop on the whole process.

Event Cup Solutions provides you with the complete service, not only hiring you the reusable cups in the first place but also providing you with delivery and collection, washing and storage and other features which are highly beneficial for your festival or event, whatever the size. We also offer you reusable cups with our ONE Planet ONE Chance® logo, providing a powerful environmental message to your visitors, reinforcing the green credentials of your event.

We can also demonstrate how we can turn your disposable scheme cost negative into a profit generating reusable cups scheme. And, why not also check out our reusable food-to-go containers as a great add-on.

Whatever your festival or event, our expert team would be delighted to hear from you to discuss how we can move towards a greener, more sustainable future together!

Event Cup Solutions is a British company which provides a consultation service and the only UK solution for the complete replacement of single use cups at sports stadia & venues, music venues & arenas, and festivals.

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