Bottoms Up Draught Systems launches new UK partnership with Event Cup Solutions



For further information on this release, please contact Lourens Kriel or John Reeves

Bottoms Up Draught Systems launches new UK partnership with Event Cup Solutions

In response to the highly anticipated requirement for sustainable, reusable solutions to replace single-use drinks containers, a unique new partnership has been struck up between two of the UK’s leading service providers.

Bottoms Up Draught Systems has reached an agreement with Event Cup Solutions (ECS) to provide their customers with a one-stop turnkey service for all of their reusable cups. ECS will be fully responsible for the supply of all cups and ancillary items and provide a complete delivery, collection, wash and storage service for all Bottoms Up Draught Systems’ customers in the UK.

Identifying the correct partner to allow Bottoms Up to rapidly increase their business in the UK was critical. Josh Springer, Founder and CEO of Bottoms Up said “Being a foreigner has brought its fair share of challenges to growth in the UK for Bottoms Up. We know that a more sustainable solution is the future for all venues, but in the USA we are a little behind the curve in this regard. We felt it best that we partner with someone that already has the knowledge and infrastructure in place to help grow the reusable cup solution. We feel the partnership is extremely beneficial for both parties. ECS has the knowledge and the infrastructure to wash cups at the scale we need and the Bottoms Up system provides a MINIMUM 30% (in some cases up to 9 times) higher throughput of service. And more cups to wash means more revenue for ECS. It’s a win win win win! Bottoms Up gets knowledge and distribution. ECS gets more revenue due to higher throughput. Fans get their beer faster, and stadiums have happier fans because the fans get to enjoy more of what they paid to come to see, not be stuck in the beer queue!”

Lourens Kriel of Bottoms UP UK commented “Forthcoming EU & UK legislation will increase the cost of single-use beverage containers. This, combined with operators’ demand for a more sustainable solution aligned with the need to reduce waste and have a fast efficient service at the point of sale, has driven this rise in demand. To facilitate this rapid growth, we needed to find a partner who understands our sector and has the capacity and ability to offer a nationwide service to our existing and future client base. We are extremely happy to have found that partner in ECS.”

ECS has four regional wash centres across the UK, all fitted with state-of-the-art custom-made washing machines designed to wash and dry plastic glasses. With the capacity to wash in excess of 2 million cups per week and with plans to open a further site in the North East of England in 2021, ECS has the highest capacity of any reusable service provider in the UK.

“The addition of Bottoms Up Draught Systems to our growing customer base is testimony to the unique capabilities and capacity we have at ECS” explains John Reeves, Sales Director at ECS. “Changes in legislation and consumer thinking mean we are anticipating a continual increase in demand for sustainable reusable solutions, and having four regional wash centres with a fifth in the pipeline means we can  offer a service where our customers’ cups will travel fewer miles and be washed, dried & stored correctly.”


Contact –

Lourens Kriel – Bottoms Up Beer Dispense –  [email protected]
Tel – 07943 885344

John Reeves – Event Cup Solutions[email protected]
Tel – 07736 231847

Event Cup Solutions is a British company which provides a consultation service and the only UK solution for the complete replacement of single use cups at sports stadia & venues, music venues & arenas, and festivals.

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