Single use plastic directive focus in Europe

single use plastic

Check out the information below about what other countries in Europe are doing when it comes to single-use plastic directives.

The SUP Directive became Law on June 1st 2021 and has been transposed into each member states’ legislation. We’ll focus on 4 EU members who have been pushing legislation even further than the Directive’s regulations.


The Netherlands has announced aggressive next steps;
Levy on all single-use beverage containers – Jan 2023. Levy on all single-use food containers – Jan 2024.
Mandatory reusables in all restaurant settings – Jan 2023. Mandatory reusable option on all takeaway & delivery – Jan 2024.


France has announced next steps on 12th May 2022;
Market Restriction on food containers made partly or wholly of EPP & EPS for consumption in store, delivery and takeaway.
Effective 1st July 2022, with 6 months to sell existing inventory by 31st Dec 2022.
Mandatory reusables in all restaurant settings – Jan 2023. Mandatory reusable option on all takeaway & delivery – Jan 2024.


Spain, on 31st March 2022, approved circular economy measures food containers & beverage cups reduce by 50% in weight by 2026 by 70% in weight by 2030.
Introduction of a fee charged to consumers on single-use cups and food containers made from plastics or partially made from plastics.
Tax on non-reusable products made of virgin plastic €0.45 per kilo.
Mandatory acceptance of customer brought reusables in takeaway.
Mandatory for festivals, sports and cultural events to make reusable alternatives available for serving drinks – 1st Jan 2023.

Event Cup Solutions is a British company which provides a consultation service and the only UK solution for the complete replacement of single use cups at sports stadia & venues, music venues & arenas, and festivals.

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