The Environment Offers A Glimmer Of Hope In The Face Of Adversity

The Environment Offers A Glimmer Of Hope In The Face Of Adversity

COVID-19 is taking its toll on many of the things that we take for granted such as travel, work, social and lifestyle choices. One thing in particular appears to be benefiting from the crisis – the environment.

How is the Coronavirus lockdown of 2020 affecting our daily lives?

With many of us working at home, an almost shut down of the aviation industry and other significant changes to everyday life, the media are reporting significant decreases in air pollution in many major cities, a sharp fall in CO2 emissions and the canals in Venice have cleaned themselves with fish being seen swimming in clean, clear water as a result of the lack of tourism and boats in operation.

How we can all help the environment

Here at Event Cup Solutions, we spend a lot of time considering how our range of reusable cups and food-to-go containers can help event organisers contribute towards a greener, more environmentally sustainable future.

Though of course we’d have hoped that it wouldn’t have taken a global pandemic to force us into these changes, our hope is that when the world returns to ‘normal’ … ‘normal’ is slightly different to what it was, and we can all rebuild towards this greener future together. In the meantime, stay safe.

Event Cup Solutions is a British company which provides a consultation service and the only UK solution for the complete replacement of single use cups at sports stadia & venues, music venues & arenas, and festivals.

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